Proposed By Law Change 2/9/2025

Below are some proposed amendments to Sections 7.01, 7.02, and 7.04 of our bylaws. These updates aim to enhance clarity, improve governance, and better serve our community.

The proposed amendments will be posted on all official Facebook groups/pages and the Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire’s and the website for a 30-day period. After this period, the community will vote on these amendments.

127 S 500 E Suite 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

If you have any questions concerning this change or the change process, please contact the Reign 49 Board President, Prince Royale 45,
Mr. Dave at


SECTION 7.01 – Monarch Elections

  1. The election of the Monarchs of the R.C.G.S.E. shall be held at least one week prior to Coronation.
  2. In the event of extenuating circumstances, force majeure, local, or world events effectaffect when and if we can or should have an election, the Board of Directors and College of Monarchs will decide on which action it willto take.
    1. All actions decided upon actions must be approved by a Supermajority vote of the Board and College members in attendance and must maintain the integrity and wellbeing of the RCGSE, its Board of Directors and members
      1. Proxies are not allowed.
  3. All decided upon actions must maintain the integrity and wellbeing of the R.C.G.S.E. and its Past Monarchs, Board of Directors and members.

SECTION 7.02 – Monarch Candidate Eligibility

  1. The qualifications of anyone seeking the position of Monarch shall be as follows:
    1. Must be 21 years of age
    1. Currently resides within the R.C.G.S.E. boundaries.
      1. Proof must be shown at Candidate Q & A
    1. Be a resident of the state of Utah for at least eighteen (18) months consecutive prior to the candidate interviews
      1. This requirement may be waived with a Supermajority vote by the Board of Directors
    1. Must be a member in good standing of the current reign for at least nine (9) months prior to candidate interviews.
      1. Any and all previous Disciplinary Actions (if any) must be proved to be completed.
    1. A candidate is not eligible to run for office if they have an outstanding debt with the R.C.G.S.E.
    1. A candidate must not have any outstanding debts or bad checks with the businesses, bars and organizations of the community.
    1. Attend six (6) eight (8) general membership meetings and eight (8) Board of Directors meetings of the reign preceding their candidacy.
      1. Six (6) of these meetings must be in person while two (2) can be attended via electronic means
      1. Due to Since Candidate Interviews being are held at the last board meeting of April, eligible court meetings shall be considered from June to April March of the reign preceding candidacy.
      1. Attendance requires signing in and signing out on the attendance sheet
      1. If meeting attendance is virtual:
        1. At the beginning of the meeting, you must notify whomever whoever is taking attendance that you are watching the meeting
        1. At the end of the meeting, you must acknowledge that you remained the entire meeting before logging out.
    1. Attend six (6) meetings of the Board of Directors of the R.C.G.S.E. during the reign preceding their candidacy.
      1. Due to Candidate Interviews being held the last board meeting of April, eligible board meetings shall be considered from June to March of the reign preceding candidacy.
      1. Attendance requires signing in and signing out on the attendance sheet
      1. If meeting attendance is virtual:
        1. At the beginning of the meeting, you must notify whomever is taking attendance that you are watching the meeting
        1. At the end of the meeting, you must acknowledge that you remained the entire meeting before logging out.
    1. Must hold at least two functions for the R.C.G.S.E. General Fund in the twelve months preceding their candidacy.
      1. At no time during those functions or on any advertising of those functions can the individual state they are holding those functions for the purpose of campaigning.
        1. Any mention of these functions being used for the purposes of campaigning will cause the individual(s) to be ineligible to seek office.
      1. Functions must be in person events, not virtual
    1. Must meet the guidelines for holding an office as set forth in the guidelines of a 501I (3) organization.
    1. Have not held the position of Monarch of the R.C.G.S.E. for at least two (2) years from the successful completion of their reign prior to the candidate interviews.
    1. Does not currently hold a ‘working title’ at the time of interviews.
      1. Working title is defined as:
        1. PR’s
        1. CP’s
    1. A reigning Pageant Titleholder may petition to be a Monarch candidate, however, to keep their pageant title they must complete their pageant title requirements prior to candidate interviews.
      1. If they have not completed their pageant title requirements, they may still petition to be a Monarch candidate, however, they must relinquish their pageant title.
  2. Any candidate who meets these criteria shall be automatically approved for campaigning, letting the community decide who is worthy to lead the RCGSE

SECTION 7.04 – Candidate Interviews Question & Answer

  1. Candidate Interviews are Question & Answer is to be held at the monthly Board Meeting in April.
  2. Any candidate unable to attend the interviews question & answer must reschedule their interview question & answer before the scheduled candidate interviews question & answer meeting.
  3. Candidate interviews question & answer meeting shall only be open to the sitting Board of Directors, members of the College of Monarchs and those individuals aspiring to the office of Emperor and Empress Monarch who have met the candidate criteria
  4. Candidates must declare they are running for Emperor, Empress or the non-binary title of Emprex
  5. Candidates choosing to run as Emprex must also declare which line they will represent
    1. The line chosen will establish which set of Monarch duties they will be responsible for, and which regalia rules must be adhered to.
    1. The line that is chosen cannot be changed once the candidate is approved
    1. All campaign material must state that the candidate is running for Emprex and which line they are representing
      1. Picking a line to run under is not a confirmation or assumption of gender, and any intentional misgendering or someone using the Emprex title would be subject to disciplinary action
    1. Picking a line to run under is not a confirmation or assumption of gender, and any intentional misgendering of someone using the Emprex title would be subject to disciplinary action.
  6. Each member of the Board of Directors and College of Monarchs in attendance at Candidate Interviews will be allowed to ask one (1) question to each of the candidates Remember, as listed in Section 7.02, all potential candidates who have met the listed criteria are automatically approved for campaigning, the purpose of the Question & Answer meeting is to establish the following:
    1. Why do you want to be a monarch
    1. What do you hope to accomplish during your reign
    1. Is the candidate gainfully employed
    1. Can the candidate financially handle the reign as a Monarch
    1. Is there anything personal that may come up during their reign that needs to be disclosed ahead of time
  7. A member of the Board of Directors or College of Monarchs who is also a candidate for the office of Emperor, Empress, or Emprex shall not have their vote counted for any votes relating to the same specific office.
    1. i.e. if a member of the Board of Directors or College of Monarchs is a candidate for Monarch, that member may not vote on any other Monarch candidates
    1. This is done to promote fairness for all candidates who wish to run for an elected office since those Board Members are not present for the opposing candidate’s interview(s)
  8. The candidate must be approved by a Supermajority vote of the Board of Directors and College of Monarchs in attendance at the candidate interviews.


SECTION 7.01 – Monarch Elections

  1. The election of the Monarchs of the R.C.G.S.E. shall be held at least one week prior to Coronation.
  2. In the event of extenuating circumstances, force majeure, local, or world events affect when and if we can or should have an election, the Board of Directors will decide on which action to take.
    1. All actions decided upon must be approved by a Supermajority vote of the Board and must maintain the integrity and wellbeing of the RCGSE, its Board of Directors and members
      1. Proxies are not allowed.

SECTION 7.02 – Monarch Candidate Eligibility

  1. The qualifications of anyone seeking the position of Monarch shall be as follows:
    1. Must be 21 years of age
    1. Resides within the R.C.G.S.E. boundaries.
      1. Proof must be shown at Candidate Q & A
    1. Be a resident of the state of Utah for at least eighteen (18) months consecutive prior to the candidate interviews
      1. This requirement may be waived with a Supermajority vote by the Board of Directors
    1. Must be a member in good standing of the current reign for at least nine (9) months prior to candidate interviews.
      1. Any and all previous Disciplinary Actions (if any) must be proved to be completed.
    1. A candidate is not eligible to run for office if they have an outstanding debt with the R.C.G.S.E.
    1. Attend eight (8) general membership meetings and eight (8) Board of Directors meetings of the reign preceding their candidacy.
      1. Six (6) of these meetings must be in person while two (2) can be attended via electronic means
      1. Since Candidate Interviews are held at the last board meeting of April, eligible meetings shall be considered from June to March of the reign preceding candidacy.
      1. Attendance requires signing in and signing out on the attendance sheet
      1. If meeting attendance is virtual:
        1. At the beginning of the meeting, you must notify whoever is taking attendance that you are watching the meeting
        1. At the end of the meeting, you must acknowledge that you remained the entire meeting before logging out.
    1. Must hold at least two functions for the R.C.G.S.E. General Fund in the twelve months preceding their candidacy.
      1. At no time during those functions or on any advertising of those functions can the individual state they are holding those functions for the purpose of campaigning.
        1. Any mention of these functions being used for the purposes of campaigning will cause the individual(s) to be ineligible to seek office.
      1. Functions must be in person events, not virtual
    1. Must meet the guidelines for holding an office as set forth in the guidelines of a 501I (3) organization.
    1. Have not held the position of Monarch of the R.C.G.S.E. for at least two (2) years from the successful completion of their reign prior to the candidate interviews.
    1. Does not currently hold a ‘working title’ at the time of interviews.
      1. Working title is defined as:
        1. PR’s
        1. CP’s
    1. A reigning Pageant Titleholder may petition to be a Monarch candidate, however, to keep their pageant title they must complete their pageant title requirements prior to candidate interviews.
      1. If they have not completed their pageant title requirements, they may still petition to be a Monarch candidate, however, they must relinquish their pageant title.
  2. Any candidate who meets these criteria shall be automatically approved for campaigning, letting the community decide who is worthy to lead the RCGSE

SECTION 7.04 – Candidate Question & Answer

  1. Candidate Question & Answer is to be held at the monthly Board Meeting in April.
  2. Any candidate unable to attend the question & answer must reschedule their question & answer before the scheduled candidate question & answer meeting.
  3. Candidate question & answer meeting shall only be open to the sitting Board of Directors, members of the College of Monarchs and those individuals aspiring to the office of Monarch who have met the candidate criteria
  4. Candidates must declare they are running for Emperor, Empress or the non-binary title of Emprex
  5. Candidates choosing to run as Emprex must also declare which line they will represent
    1. The line chosen will establish which set of Monarch duties they will be responsible for, and which regalia rules must be adhered to.
    1. The line that is chosen cannot be changed once the candidate is approved
    1. All campaign material must state that the candidate is running for Emprex and which line they are representing
      1. Picking a line to run under is not a confirmation or assumption of gender, and any intentional misgendering or someone using the Emprex title would be subject to disciplinary action
  6. Remember, as listed in Section 7.02, all potential candidates who have met the listed criteria are automatically approved for campaigning, the purpose of the Question & Answer meeting is to establish the following:
    1. Why do you want to be a monarch
    1. What do you hope to accomplish during your reign
    1. Is the candidate gainfully employed
    1. Can the candidate financially handle the reign as a Monarch
    1. Is there anything personal that may come up during their reign that needs to be disclosed ahead of time