The Drive of the Spike Scholarship fund was founded in 1996 by Emperor XX Peter Christie and Empress XX Sheneka Christie, and is available to members of the LGBT community, or their children, who are enrolled at an educational institution in the state of Utah.  Applicants must be pursuing their education through the secondary level and beyond and require financial assistance.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Be in demonstrated need of financial assistance
  2. Must be pursuing an education beyond the secondary level in one or more of the following areas
    1. College/University
    2. Trade/Vocational
    3. The Arts
  3. Be applying for, accepted for enrollment, or enrolled in an accredited educational program beyond the secondary level within the State of Utah
  4. Be enrolled in or attending school by May of the following year
  5. Scholarships are given out in May of Each Year
  6. Evidence the potential to successfully complete the selected program of study.

Method of Selection

A Scholarship Review Committee will review the applications of each candidate. Recipients of the scholarships will be chosen from the applicants who demonstrate the necessary eligibility.   Personal interviews may be arranged for application finalists if deemed necessary.  The number of scholarships awarded, and the amounts of those scholarships will be based on available funding, as well as, the number of submitted, eligible applications.  Not all applicants are guaranteed to be awarded a scholarship.

Applications will only be accepted from February to May of each year.  The deadline for scholarship application submission will be chosen by the Scholarship Review Committee each year.

Applying for The Drive of the Spike Scholarship Fund

To apply for The Drive of the Spike Scholarship Fund, click on the link below to open the application.  It is a fillable document so you can download it and enter everything directly into the form.  From there you can save the form and email it to or you can print the form and bring it to a General Membership or Board Meeting.  You can also mail the application to the following address:

Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire
Attn: Scholarship Application
P.O. Box 521126
Salt Lake City, UT 84152